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Realms of Reflection: Resolution 1

All of our comics are based on real people and the challenges they face. This first comic in our newest series, “Realms of Reflection” is based on the real life journey of Cooley Comics Co-founders Tony, Chris, and Ajani.

This adventure begins where the inaugural comic “Tony” left off…and the three friends are being swept into an otherworldly portal.

What’s the real story?

The reality is, Tony, Chris, and Ajani have been finding their way personally and professionally. The last book left off as the three were at a crossroads. They realized they had begun moving in separate directions while creating the company surrounding these books. Rather than let the comic dictate reality, they decided to re-write it.

This book is about the three coming back together, albeit, in a state of confusion as they create something brand new. In the process, they explore how they can work together to make their positive mission visible to the world. Enjoy the read and stay tuned for our next “Resolution” (this is the word we use, rather than “issue”;)).

Want a FREE printed copy?

We are looking to secure a sponsor so we can offer free, hard copy comics for the first 25 people on the waiting list!

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We are currently looking for sponsors who will support printing of our comics. If you know anyone please email