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Innerstanding + compassion + trust + open-mindedness

Gratitude and Optimism

We strive to inspire the world by radiating gratitude and optimism, while uniting community builders and influencers who are driven to create innovative opportunities for themselves and others.

Meet the co-founders

Let’s Get It!

Our co-founders live our mission on a daily basis. Visionary leader, Chris Cooley (owner) is a seasoned, ‘lean startup’ entrepreneur, community builder, public speaker, and visual story-teller living in Rochester. He has a degree in Industrial and Interactive Design from Syracuse University. Antonio “Tony” Martin is a graduate of Rochester city schools and Monroe Community College. He is a digital artist with incredible superpowers. His story is the inspiration for the companies’ inaugural, published comic book. The third founder, Ajani Jeffries, is also a graduate of Rochester city schools. He is a fashion designer, branding expert, and creative influencer. 

Meet Tony

Tony “Antonio” Martin, a co-founder of Cooley Comics LLC, brings his vibrant heart and artistic prowess to the forefront as a digital artist dedicated to making a positive impact on the community. His work is driven by a deep commitment to personal growth and a relentless pursuit of excellence, qualities that resonate through each project he undertakes. Passionate about harnessing the power of digital art to tell transformative stories, Tony’s creative journey is fueled by his willingness to embrace new ideas and continuously evolve. His contributions to Cooley Comics are not just about artistry but about inspiring others to be their best selves through the power of visual storytelling.

Meet Ajani

Ajani Jeffries stands as the dynamic co-founder of Cooley Comics LLC, where his multifaceted talents as a videographer, documentarian, and creative entrepreneur bring real-life stories to the forefront through the art of visual storytelling. With a keen eye for fashion design and a passion for photography, Ajani blends his artistic vision with innovative technologies to capture and narrate the essence of humanity. His journey with Cooley Comics began from a deep-seated desire for collaboration, finding synergy within a team that naturally assembled to share a common vision. Under Ajani’s creative guidance, the company continues to expand its mission to craft stories that celebrate the purposes of real people, making every narrative a testament to the power of collaboration and creativity.

Meet Chris

Chris Cooley is the visionary CEO, founder, and owner of Cooley Comics LLC, a company renowned for transforming personal challenges into super powered narratives through the medium of comics. As a visual storyteller, artist, and fervent community builder, Chris’s work is driven by a passion for inclusivity and the powerful belief that everyone’s story holds a unique purpose. Inspired by a divine dream about a friend with cerebral palsy, Chris’s journey began with the aim to redefine different abilities as superpowers, sparking the inception of Cooley Comics. Under his leadership, the company has flourished, dedicating itself to the mission of empowering real people to share their stories and discover their purpose, making Cooley Comics a beacon of inspiration and change.

Meaningful Purpose

This video was inspired by the profound spiritual calling of the father of Chris Cooley (Cooley Comics CEO), who lived with terminal cancer for four years. Known for his resilience and deep connection to faith, he taught Chris to live profoundly by always putting others first and finding meaning and purpose through daily gratitude, meditation, and prayer practices. His journey was not just a personal triumph but a beacon of hope and compassion. This inspirational ethos has permeated the entire team at Cooley Comics, and it is with immense pride that we present a video that encapsulates these values.

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